In case you have a shared hosting account, the service provider handles maintenances, updates and backups, but this isn't the situation with virtual and dedicated web servers. If you need a separate machine because a shared plan does not provide enough resources to support your web programs or you just need specific custom software to be running on the hosting server and it is not present on the shared one, you may not have much choice in regards to what kind of hosting you can employ. While this won't be an issue in the event that you have practical knowledge, you may encounter issues in the event that you haven't had a hosting server of your own. That's the main reason why we offer a Managed Services upgrade which you'll be able to add to your web server package anytime. It includes various things like weekly backups, Operating System updates and installation of third-party apps, so you will not be required to spend time and efforts on this type of matters.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Hosting

We offer the Managed Services upgrade with all our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages and if you determine that you want it, you may add it on the order page or via your billing area with just a few mouse clicks. You could also choose if you'll use it only once or for a considerable time period because it shall not be locked to your dedicated web server plan. The Managed Services upgrade includes 50 GB of backup space to make certain that we can restore any important info you may have in case anything goes wrong, 24/7 hosting server supervising and restarting when required, Operating System updates to ensure the secure and reliable performance of your websites along with installing and troubleshooting any third-party app that you'd like to use on the machine. You could save a lot of time and efforts with this upgrade as you will receive timely help from our experienced system admins whenever you require it.