Custom Error Pages in Cloud Hosting
The custom error pages function is available with every cloud hosting plan that we offer and you'll be able to replace all the generic pages with your own with no more than several clicks inside your Hepsia website hosting CP. You shall need to develop the actual files and to upload them to your account, and then to set them for a specific domain or subdomain via the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel. You can do this for every web site hosted inside the account separately, so that every set of customized pages will have the very same layout as the Internet site it is part of. If needed, you may always revert back to a default page from our system or to the default Apache server page. One other way to set custom error pages is to create an .htaccess file in the domain/subdomain root folder and to include a few lines in it. If you have never done this before, you can simply copy the required code from our Help article on this subject.
Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages support personalized error pages, so you shall be able to use this function for each domain or subdomain hosted inside your account. All it will take to do that is to navigate to the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel, to click on the Edit button related to the given domain/subdomain and to enter the link to the custom file. You are able to do this independently for each error type. You will be able to switch back to a standard error page anytime if necessary and the change will take effect at once. Another way to get the very same result is to place an .htaccess file in the domain or subdomain folder associated with the website that you want to change and to enter a couple of lines of code inside it. If you'd like to try this method, you may copy and paste the required code from our Knowledge Base article on custom error pages, which means that you will not need any computer programming skills or previous experience.